Supporting UKOPA’s Pipeline Awareness Campaign

BPA supporting UKOPA

The team at BPA was delighted to be involved in supporting our colleagues from the United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Operators Association (UKOPA) with their latest video to help raise awareness of the pipeline amongst both landowners and contractors.

UKOPA is the authoritative industry body behind the essential energy pipeline infrastructure. The UK’s 27,000km pipeline network provides the safest and most efficient means of transporting a range of hazardous fluids, and pipeline operators are constantly working to improve safety and protect the environment.  The organisation, established in 1996, has brought operators together and helped them engage more effectively with each other, as well as with regulators and other key stakeholders.

The filming took place just outside of Milton Keynes where BPA’s lands team are involved in supporting landowners, contractors and local authorities during the development of the site into a multifunctional space for schools, housing and commercial buildings.

BPA’s lands team helped supervise ground works by marking out the pipeline for contractors and also being on hand while excavation work was carried out to ensure the pipeline was protected at all times.  The works were recorded and will be shared with other landowners and contractors looking to carry our similar works.

The video aims to help prevent damage to pipelines as this can have serious consequences including: environmental damage if product was to leak into the soil, water or atmosphere; financial penalty as any repairs or subsequent clean-ups costs can run into the millions as well as potential prosecution under The Pipeline Safety Regulations 1996 – which states that no person shall cause such damage to a pipeline as may give rise to a danger to persons.

Perhaps the most important reason for contacting BPA in advance of any works near to the pipeline are the risks of injury or even death caused by damaging the pipeline.  Should there be an incident, those commissioning the works (or their contractor) are responsible for any liability under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.  The video aims to highlight these issues amongst landowners and contractors.

BPA’s lands team is on hand to support landowners or contractors who are planning to work anywhere near our pipelines.  Please call BPA free on 0800 585 387 and we will come and locate the pipeline, provide advice and ensure your safety.