The fine spring weather is allowing farmers to get groundwork underway during one of the busiest times of the year and while ploughing and sowing are happening at full pelt as well as regular maintenance work such as ditch clearing and fencing, farmers and landowners must always be aware of the hazards associated with damaging buried pipelines.
Many pipelines carrying highly flammable products are less than one metre from the surface and if no care is taken can be damaged by invasive farm machinery. Holing a pipeline can result in injury, death or significant environmental damage including pollution of soil, water and the atmosphere. Typical costs of repairing and cleaning up following an incident can run into the millions of pounds.
British Pipeline Agency Ltd (BPA)
BPA distributes highly flammable fuels via more than 1,000km of buried high-pressure fuel pipelines across the UK. If you are in any doubt about the location of a pipeline beneath your land, contact BPA and we will come and locate the pipeline and give advice to ensure the safety of those working close to the line. Our `Know what’s Below’ campaign aims to give advice and inform farmers and landowners about their responsibilities.
BPA advice:
If you’re planning on working near a pipeline, we are asking farmers, landowners or contractors to contact BPA in advance of any work being undertaken. Please also contact BPA’s Lands Team if the line is not clearly marked and we will be happy to arrange for a free site visit to help detail the pipeline’s route. BPA’s Lands Team is typically able to visit a site within seven days of a request. We would also ask all landowners to inform third parties or contractors of the pipeline and the precautions that are required if working in its vicinity.
Please don’t just assume it’s ok to drill or dig near a pipeline or to clean ditches with mechanical diggers without speaking to BPA first. Using use heavy machinery close to a pipeline, erecting fences across a pipeline or installing or repairing land drainage networks near to the pipeline requires prior notice and authorisation.
Please also be aware of any suspicious activities near to the pipeline network and contact a member of BPA’s lands team if you have concerns. We are here and ready to help, so if you are thinking of undertaking work near to a pipeline, call BPA free on 0800 585 387 and if necessary a team member will come out for a free site visit and give advice.
Thank you for your continued support.